Comprehensive Perinatal Services Program
Our Mission
Through effective and collaborative teamwork, the Comprehensive Perinatal Services Program (CPSP) promotes and coordinates the delivery of early, continuous, and quality comprehensive perinatal services to pregnant and postpartum women and their infants by public and private obstetrical providers.
Our Goals Are:
- To decrease the incidence of low birth weight in infants
- To improve the outcome of every pregnancy
- To lower health care costs by preventing catastrophic and chronic illness in infants and children
Contact Us
Maternal, Child, and Adolescent Health
451 E. Vanderbilt Way
San Bernardino, CA 92408
1 (800) 227-3034

Our Scope of Services
- Initial Assessments: Complete health assessments in four components: obstetric, nutrition, health education, and psychosocial using approved assessment forms.
- Client Orientation: Orient the client to comprehensive perinatal care at entry of care and throughout the pregnancy, as needed.
- Individualized Care Plan (ICP): Complete the ICP with the client following the initial assessments. Prioritize problems and actions planned to resolve them.
- Interventions: Provide services, classes, counseling, referrals, and instructions, as appropriate, to the client’s needs and risks identified on the ICP.
- Reassessments: Reassess in each trimester to identify changes or new developments since the previous assessment, and to provide continued support for the client’s strengths. Revise and update the ICP, as needed.
- Postpartum Assessment and Care Plan: Assess the mother and infant postpartum and update the ICP. Provide appropriate interventions for the client and her baby.
- Referral: Referral to services such as CHDP, family planning, immunizations, genetics, WIC, Transitional Assistance (TAD), and dental.
Who Can Be A CPSP Provider?
A physician, certified nurse midwife, hospital, community clinic, or medical group that provides prenatal care can be a CPSP provider. CPSP providers must be approved Medi-Cal providers and have a National Provider Identifier (NPI) number registered with Medi-Cal.
Advantages Of Becoming A CPSP Provider
- Fee-for-service Medi-Cal reimbursement for patients not enrolled in a health plan, including patients who have Pregnancy/Emergency Only Medi-Cal
- Ongoing technical assistance for program application and implementation
- Regularly scheduled trainings for staff
- Free copy of CPSP Provider Handbook and Steps to Take Guidelines
- Quarterly newsletter with CPSP, Medi-Cal, and clinical updates
CPSP Application
Application for Certification as a CPSP Provider
Individual Worksheet Application for all CPSP Practitioners
CPSP Application Updates
CPSP Application Update Form
List of Practitioners
Assessments and Protocols
Informed Consent
Consentimiento Informado
CPSP State Integrated Protocols
State Integrated Assessment
State integrated Postpartum
Perinatal Dietary Assessment
Perinatal Dietary assessment instructions
Women’s Diet Intake (Consumo de Dieta de Mujer)
Prenatal Weight Gain Grids
State CPSP
State Medi-Cal Provider Bulletins
State Medi-Cal Trainings
California Diabetes and Pregnancy Program (Sweet Success)
Inland Empire Breastfeeding Coalition
American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG)
211 San Bernardino County Resource Database
Domestic Violence Shelters and Hotlines
Domestic Violence Legal Resources in San Bernardino County
Postpartum Support International
Edinburgh Postnatal Depressions Scale
Escala de Depresión de Post-Parto de Edinburgh
Patient Health Questionnaire-9 / English
Cuestionario Sobre La Salud Del Paciente-9
PHQ9 Suggested interventions
March of Dimes
Substance use and Mental Health resources
Comprehensive Tobacco Treatment Program English
Comprehensive Tobacco Treatment Program Spanish
Nutrition Resources for Pregnant and Breastfeeding Women
Denti-Cal List of Providers
Domestic Violence Screening
CPSP Provider Handbook
Steps to Take Handbook
How To Apply For CPSP
Call the San Bernardino County Perinatal Services Coordinator office at (909) 383-3022 for more information.
Reimbursement For CPSP
CPSP Services provided to women who are eligible for fee-for-service Medi-Cal are reimbursed via the regular Medi-Cal billing process. Services are reimbursed at $33.64/hour for individual services and $11.24/patient/hour for group classes. Additional bonuses are also available.
Details are included in the Medi-Cal Provider Manual.
View more information on CPSP Requirements and Policies on Perinatal Services.