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Immunization Services

Timely immunizations help prevent the spread of vaccine preventable diseases among children, adolescents and adults. Our Communicable Disease staff provides comprehensive immunization services to reduce the incidents of vaccine preventable diseases. We provide accurate and timely immunization information to private and public health care providers, schools and child care centers, and to the general public.

Seasonal influenza vaccine is distributed by the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) to Local Health Departments (LHD) for use by local government or private non-profit agencies which include facilities operated by county, non-profit, or other local public agencies in accordance with LHD policies and procedures. In order to receive state-funded influenza vaccine, the forms in the link below must be completed in its entirety. Attachments required for application submission include: photo of vaccine storage unit AND a valid certificate of calibration for the digital data logger that will be used. If you are eligible for the program, a representative from the Communicable Disease Section (CDS) at San Bernardino County Department of Public Health (SBC DPH) will contact you. For vaccine storage and handling training please use the following link and create an account. https://eziz.org/lms/login.php

2024-2025 California Influenza Program Provider Application

View the list of Public Health Clinics.

School Immunizations

Immunizations prevent diseases from occurring in children and being transmitted to others. California law requires children entering kindergarten and childcare to be appropriately immunized to protect themselves and others. Children and school records are screened to assure that children receive appropriate immunizations. For more information about immunizations required for school entry and other school information, please view the Shots for School website.

Inland Empire Immunization Coalition

IEIC 2019 Presentations

Immunization Provider Services

Immunizations are crucial to prevent diseases from occurring in all ages. Communicable Disease staff works with immunization providers in public and private sectors to educate providers on new trends and requirements, as well as general techniques to improve immunization practices in San Bernardino County.

We provide personalized training on the immunization schedule and vaccine storage and handling all in an effort to increase vaccine coverage rates. If you are a medical provider and would like to request a FREE personalized training for your practice regarding immunizations, and/or vaccine storage and handling, please call 1(800) 722-4794 and ask to speak with the immunization’s program.

Guidance for School-Located Vaccine Events

The California Department of Public Health (CDPH) is dedicated to offering guidance and support for organizing school-located vaccine events (SLVEs), recognizing them as efficient methods to protect students from illnesses and ensure they remain in school. Schools provide a comfortable and secure setting for children, which can enhance their vaccination experience. These events can be coordinated by a range of partners, including local health departments, pharmacies, community organizations, and academic institutions. Please visit CDPH for more information and to access the SLVE Training Module: https://www.cdph.ca.gov/Programs/CID/DCDC/Pages/Immunization/School/resources-clinics.aspx

Immunization Registry

The California Immunization Registry, or CAIR, is a secure web-based database that can store immunization records. To learn more about CAIR, go to the CAIR website or call 1 (800) 578-7889.

Perinatal Hepatitis B Prevention Program (PHPP) Immunizations for Newborns Exposed to Hepatitis B

The program provides surveillance for perinatal hepatitis B cases in the County. The goal of the program is to prevent the perinatal transmission of hepatitis B by ensuring providers test pregnant women for hepatitis B infection and the newborn receives the appropriate immunoprophylaxis and vaccinations at or within 12 hours of birth. Hospitals and providers can report hepatitis B infection by using Hospital Hepatitis B Reporting Form.

Immunization Skills Institute (ISI) Training

Visit our Training and Events webpage for more information.

Next ISI Training is March 27, 2025 from 9 AM-1 PM.

Immunization-related Resources

Vaccines for Children

Immunization  Schedules

United for Adolescent Vaccination

CDPH Immunization Branch

CDPH Immunization for Me & My Family