Healthy Communities

A Healthy Community promotes a positive physical, social, and economic environment that supports the well-being of its members. It includes healthy schools, walkable communities, transportation options, parks/open space, adequate housing, and access to health care.

Why Healthy Communities Are Important

San Bernardino County is the largest county in the contiguous United States with a population of two million living in diverse geographic and civic environments. The health problems facing this region make it imperative that we give priority to the health needs of our residents.

Many modern health problems including obesity, heart disease and stroke, cancer, asthma, stress, and traffic-related injuries are impacted by how and where we build our communities. It is for this reason that the planning and health disciplines must work together for healthier future outcomes.

Program Background

In 2006 the Healthy Communities program was created as a central point of contact for health-related issues throughout the County. We provide technical assistance to communities throughout the County, giving specific recommendations for policy and environmental strategies to improve residents’ health. We collaborate on multiple projects throughout the region, partnering with schools, community and faith-based organizations, public and private agencies, and city governments. These partnerships are effective tools for improving health in local communities.