Family Resources

Did You Know?

Congenital syphilis is a condition in which the baby gets syphilis from their mother who has syphilis. If it is not treated, it can cause serious and often permanent damage to the many of the baby’s organs, including their brain, spinal cord, eyes, bones, skin, and other internal organs. We are in the middle of an epidemic of Congenital and Maternal Syphilis in California and San Bernardino County and surrounding areas, with the rate going up by 1200% in the past 3 years. The tragic thing about this is that it is completely treatable and preventable with antibiotics given to the mother before delivery. That is why testing for Syphilis in expectant Mothers is now mandated by law. At San Bernardino County Public Health MCAH, we are actively pursuing all pregnant mothers and both testing them for Syphilis in their first and third parts (trimesters) of their pregnancy and treating them as soon as possible before birth.

-A message from San Bernardino County Health Officer Dr. Michael Sequeira

What are the benefits of breastfeeding?

Nutrition: Breast milk contains nutrients, antibodies, and other essential factors.

Fewer appointments and lower costs: Breastfed babies typically require fewer sick visits, prescriptions, hospitalizations, and medical care costs compared to infants who were never breastfed.

Stronger bonding
 Breastfeeding helps mother and baby bond. Skin-to-skin contact, sometimes referred to as kangaroo mother care, boosts oxytocin levels in the mom and helps babies feel secure and comforted.

Reduced risks for mothers and children
 Women who breastfeed have a reduced risk of developing:
     • Breast cancer
     • Ovarian cancer
     • Type 2 diabetes

Learn more at:

Other breastfeeding links:

Feelings in Motherhood

Pregnant and postpartum mood and anxiety disorders affect the whole family

View our Feelings in Motherhood brochure to learn more about maternal mental health.

Family PACT covers the family planning needs of California residents who are low income and who have no other source of coverage. Learn if you are eligible for Family PACT.