Out of Hospital Births

If your baby was born at a birthing center, at home or any other location other than a hospital, this is considered a Out of Hospital Birth. The Vital Statistics Registration Office is required to register the birth within 21 days of the birth. This is the responsibility of the licensed midwife if they were present, or the parents if the birth was unattended.
Midwife Responsibilities
Professionally licensed midwifes that attend an out-of-hospital birth, it is their duty under Health and Safety Code (HSC) sections 102400 and 102415 to register the birth with the local registrar within twenty-one days of the date of birth.
If you are a midwife and need to register a birth, please complete the following forms and email them to VS-Birth@dph.sbcounty.gov
Penal Code 115 makes it a felony to falsely register an official document. This law also applies to licensed attendants who falsely register a birth. If a local registrar suspects that any person is attempting to falsely register a birth, the matter should immediately be referred to law enforcement in their jurisdiction.
Unattended Births
If you had a unplanned home birth or a birth that was not attended by a physician or licensed midwife, you will need to contact our office to schedule to come in and register the birth of your baby as soon as possible. Please call 909-381-8990 option 4.
Unmarried Parents
Parentage” is the recognition of a parent’s legal relationship to a child.
The Parentage Opportunity Program (POP) is a voluntary program for eligible parents to establish legal parentage free of charge. This significantly decreases the time and money required to establish legal parentage through the lengthy and expensive court process. A filed Voluntary Declaration of Parentage (VDOP) has the same force and effect as a judgment for parentage issued by a court.
For more information please go to California Child Support Services.
Contact us
If you need to schedule an out of hospital birth appointment please call 909-381-8990 option 4 or email us at VS-birth@dph.scounty.gov
Documentation to register your child’s birth are listed below:
- Proof of Pregnancy Letter (should include LMP, expected due date, number of visits, and must be signed by doctor or midwife. Also, must be printed on medical office letterhead and have original signature with license number.)
- Current ID or driver’s license
- Affidavit with original signature by the midwife
- Ambulance report (if applicable)
- Proof of Residency (utility bill) if baby was born at home
- Newborn Screening Test form if one was performed or refused
- Out-of-Hospital Worksheet(s)
Obtaining a Social Security Number
For babies born outside a licensed birthing hospital whether at a Birthing Center, at home, or another location, you will need to apply with the Social Security Administration (SSA) office directly for your child’s social security number. SSA recommends applying in 8-12 weeks. For more information go to https://www.ssa.gov/
- Out of Hospital Worksheet
- Out of Hospital Submission Form
- Obtaining a Social Security Card
- Application for a Birth Certificate
County Observed Holidays
- New Year’s Day, January 1st
- Martin Luther King Jr., January 15th
- President’s Day, February 19th
- Memorial Day, May 27th
- Juneteenth Day, June 19th
- Independence Day, July 4th
- Labor Day, September 2nd
- County Holiday, October 14th
- Veteran’s Day, November 11th
- Thanksgiving, November 28th and 29th
- Christmas, December 24th and 25th
- New Year’s Eve, December 31st