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Friday Night Live

The Friday Night Live Program (FNL) is a youth-led substance use prevention program focused on developing leadership across elementary, middle, and high school aged youth. FNL provides support and fun opportunities for youth through activity-based learning and community engagement to build leadership and advocacy skills while promoting healthier lifestyles.

  • Create positive and healthy communities for and with young people
  • Support the overall health and resiliency of all young people
  • Create positive relationships between adult allies and youth leaders
  • Safe Environments
  • Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs (ATOD) Prevention/Healthier Lifestyles
  • Skill Building/Leadership Opportunities
  • Community Engagement
  • Positive Youth and Adult Partnerships

Youth involved in FNL, CL, or FNLK thrive because of the community partnerships developed by the program. These include partnerships with local schools, community agencies, law enforcement, health organizations, and community coalitions.

If you are interested in establishing an FNL, CL, or FNLK chapter at your site or have resources to offer in support of drug-free youth, please schedule a meeting with the FNL program staff via this link.

  • Friday Night Live (FNL) for high school age youth
  • Club Live (CL) for middle school age youth
  • Friday Night Live Kids (FNLK) for elementary age youth

FNL, CL, and FNLK youth organize into chapters. Chapters are located throughout the County and are located at schools, and community sites. Each chapter includes adult advisors who work with program staff to create opportunities for youth to advocate for healthier lifestyles, build resiliency skills, and to develop the social competencies needed to thrive as they transition into young adulthood.

  • Drug and Alcohol Use Prevention
  • Underage Drinking and Driving Prevention
  • Tobacco Use Prevention
  • Teen Traffic Safety Awareness
  • DUI Court Simulation
  • Safe and Sober Prom/Graduation
  • Anti-Bullying Campaigns
  • Community Service Projects
  • Drug-free Social and Recreational Events

FNL Chapter Activities

Friday Night Live (FNL) youth in schools across San Bernardino County participate in campus-wide activities to spread awareness about mental health, teen traffic safety, substance use prevention and underage drinking and driving prevention.  These events are made possible through the collaborative efforts of youth leaders and adult allies. 

Follow FNL_SBC on Instagram for more program content and messaging.

Friday Night Live Kids students taking the stage at our county’s 1st annual Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Conference of 2024.

One of our Friday Night Live chapters at the annual Friday Night Live youth leadership conference.

Friday Night Live Club doing a Red Ribbon Week lunch time school engagement activity receiving pledges from many of their peers to be drug free!

Club Live students hosted a Kindness week event across 5th-8th grade lunches. Students collected kind messages from their peers and displayed their poster on campus to take what they need throughout the week. <

Friday Night Live Kids students celebrated FNL Month (April) by signing pledges to not get in a car with a drunk driver-they then created posters and posted them all over campus.

Students participating in a fatal vision activity and learning about Casey’s Pledge, which signifies that those who sign will not drink and drive nor get in the car with anyone under the influence.

Friday Night Live chapter students conducting merchant education for underage gambling in their community.

Every 15 Minutes is a school-wide event hosted by the California Highway Patrol (CHP) which focuses on the dangers and consequences of driving under the influence.

The Friday Night Live (FNL) program is designed for high school-aged young people and is motivated by youth-adult partnerships that create essential and powerful opportunities that enhance and improve local communities.

Club Live (CL) is an extension of the successful Friday Night Live program and is aimed at middle school age students. CL fosters resiliency and protective factors through the development of action-oriented chapters.

The FNL Kids program is designed for elementary school-aged youth in 4th through 6th grade. FNL Kids incorporates the teaching of such critical life skills as leadership skills, character development, critical thinking, decision-making, and refusal skills while providing participants with the value of membership and belonging.

Parents and guardians are encouraged to talk to their teens about their choices if they were to find themselves in a situation where some of their friends may be drinking alcohol or using drugs and focus on ways to increase their safety and responsible decision-making in these situations.

Schedule a virtual meeting with the FNL team through this link.