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Preparedness & Response


The San Bernardino County Department of Public Health Preparedness and Response Program works to prepare for emergencies caused by bioterrorism, infectious disease, and other public health threats through the development and exercise of comprehensive public health emergency preparedness and response plans.

Our goal is to provide a coordinated response along with emergency responders and partner health agencies to meet the public health needs of our residents in the event of such disaster. During an event the Department of Public Health will conduct disease surveillance, provide emergency health information, health precautions, health education, and links to additional public health resources.

In the event of a public health emergency or natural disaster, this website will inform the residents of San Bernardino County with the following information:

  • Emergency Phone Numbers
  • Shelters
  • Red Cross Families/Victims Registry
  • Health Emergency Instructions
  • Media Outlets

Preparedness and Response

(909) 252-4406
(800) 782-4264
TTY: (909) 387-6359