Trainings and Events

Immunization Skills Institute (ISI) Training

Now more than ever, patients and parents expect the person on the other end of the needle to be competent and caring. This FREE innovative course will train medical assistants on current, effective, and caring immunization techniques.

Next ISI Training: March 27, 2025 | 9 AM-1 PM

Register by: March 21, 2025

Sign Up: Scan the QR Code or by clicking this link

For more information, contact the Immunizations Program at or call 1-800-722-4794.

Immunization/TB/STD/Epi Update Seminar

The Communicable Disease Section Annual Update is designed to offer providers, medical staff and school nurses updated information on disease trends and changes on the following topics: immunization, TB, STDs and school law. The update is free of cost and offers four (4) continuing education units. Updates are held yearly.

2019 Presentations

California School Law
Communicable Disease Update
Immunization Update
STD/HIV Update
TB Update
VFC Program Update

2018 Presentations

STD/HIV Update
TB Update
Communicable Disease Trends
Mosquito and Vector Control
California School Law
Immunization Update


STD Task Force

In an effort to reduce County STD rates, the Public Health Department has partnered with healthcare agencies and providers, schools and universities, and other community organizations in a countywide Community STD Task Force.  The primary goals of the task force are to:

  • Reduce STD rates in the County of San Bernardino
  • Increase awareness of the impact of STDs through patient/youth education and community/stakeholder participation
  • Increase prevention efforts, screening, and treatment

View the April 2019 meeting presentations.

Inland Empire Infectious Disease Conference for Prenatal and Perinatal Providers

The IE IDC was geared towards providers, nurses and other medical staff and agencies who work with pregnant women and children. The conference touched upon current diseases affecting pregnant women and children such as Zika, Syphilis & Congenital Syphilis, and Pertussis.

View the meeting presentations.

There are no upcoming events.